Join us for Kid’s Night Out-Morning Edition, Saturday, December 7th, 9 am-12 pm. KNO-Morning Edition provides a fun, safe morning for kids and an opportunity for parents to be blessed by a morning out getting some Christmas shopping done. All kids, infant through 5th grade, are welcome. Kids age four and older will participate in games, crafts, a movie, and brunch. Children age three and under will enjoy time in the nursery.

The Children’s Ministry at Hackberry Creek Church strives to teach and inspire children to love and reflect Jesus, and to equip parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children.

Age 0-3 | Rm 136 | 9:30-11:45
Your little ones will be safe and cared for on Sunday mornings while parents attend Worship and Sunday School.

Age 4-1st grade | Room 133 | 9:30am
One of the ways HCC seeks to support parents in raising their children to love and worship the LORD is through Children’s Worship. At the conclusion of “The Message for Young Disciples,” children are invited to a time of song, prayer and reading of the Word. They grow in their love of God and learn what it means to worship. Children are returned to their parents in the sanctuary during the final part of the Worship service.

Age 4-1st grade | Room 149 | 10:45-11:45am
2nd-5th grade | Room 148 | 10:45-11:45am
During the Sunday school hour, each class takes a Christ-centered, chronological look at the big story of the Bible – God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Worship Activity Bags are located on a cart in the Narthex. They are filled with a Children’s Order of Worship, as well as fun activities, puzzles and games that relate to the worship service. Please return the bag and supplies to the box on the cart and take home your completed activities.