9:30 am – Worship Service
9:30 am – HCC Kids Worship (ages 4-1st grade)
10:45 am – Sunday School
Nursery is available
2000 Kinwest Parkway
Irving, Texas 75063
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, Pastor Jonathan Tony leads us in intelligent and passionate worship. Each week we examine the Bible’s teaching and the person of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. What does the Bible have to say about how we live? How do Jesus’ teaching and leadership manifest themselves in our daily lives? In addition, we lift the name of Jesus with a creative and contemporary sound and style of music, but we respect and remind ourselves of our heritage by singing the hymns of the faith frequently. You will find every generation in worship, praising God and growing closer to Jesus. Come as you are and join us as we worship our great God and King!

Age 4-1st grade | Room 133 | 9:30am
One of the ways HCC seeks to support parents in raising their children to love and worship the LORD is through Children’s Worship. At the conclusion of “The Message for Young Disciples,” children are invited to a time of song, prayer and reading of the Word. They grow in their love of God and learn what it means to worship. Children are returned to their parents in the sanctuary during the final part of the Worship service.

Age 0-3 | Rm 136 | 9:30-11:45
Your little ones will be safe and cared for on Sunday mornings while parents attend Worship and Sunday School.

Worship Activity Bags are located on a cart in the Narthex. They are filled with a Children’s Order of Worship, as well as fun activities, puzzles and games that relate to the worship service. Please return the bag and supplies to the box on the cart and take home your completed activities.
Assisted Listening Devices are NOW available in the sanctuary. These are available from the Audio Tech at the AV desk in the back of the Sanctuary. They do require your own set of headphones or earbuds with a 3.5 mm stereo plug for use. Also available are Telecoil neck loops for use with Telecoil equipped hearing aids. Please be sure and return them at the end of the service.