The Bridge Bible Study
From 1-2 pm on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 6th-12th grade students are invited to a time of fellowship in the Youth Room! Students will dive deep into topics that apply to our lives today and how the Lord has called us to respond to him in our modern world. Students are also invited to join Christian & the youth leaders for lunch nearby before each study, but please have a family member talk to or text Christian if you plan to ride with him!

Studies show that 66% of students quit attending church after High School. The best way to combat this is for students to feel connected to the Church and see it as more than a building. We do this by giving the students the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe the best way to share the gospel is by sharing life through community and discipleship.
1 Thessalonians 2:8 is the DNA of our Youth Ministry:
“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share
with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

On Sundays at 10:45, 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for a time of community, fellowship, and learning during Sunday School. We are currently walking through questions and answers that help summarize our theology and put it into our own words.