Thank you, HCC family, for your generous support of the Angel Tree ministry. Your participation has provided Christmas gifts for over 100 children and teens served by Mi Escuelita Preschool, Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services, and Refuge City. All gifts must be dropped off in the narthex today, Sunday, December 8th , by 11:45 AM. Please return gift cards to an Angel Tree volunteer. You have helped make Christmas a little brighter for these children of God!

Now through November, the Compassionate Crafters are creating quilts for the Irving Homelessness Coalition. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our neighbors in need as we approach the cooler months ahead. If interested, please join us every other Thursday @ HCC in Room 144 at 1:00 pm. If you cannot meet at that time, but would like to create a quilt or provide support from home, please email Sandra Lindstrom or Jane Ellington. Anybody with a sewing machine can help!

HCC has been led to give 19% of its budget towards local, national and world-wide ministries doing work that aligns with the mission of the church. The Missions Ministry Board coordinates this distribution to deserving evangelistic and caring and compassion ministries, in addition to other outreach endeavors with a focus on children, human trafficking, and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We are guided by our Purpose Statement: Share the word of Jesus Christ with others, grow disciples, and care for the poor and hurting in our world and neighborhoods.

HCC partners with Many Helping Hands to change the lives of the Irving homeless community, both sheltered and unsheltered, through Christian-based, compassionate, relational and personal service. On the first Thursday of each month our youth & church community volunteer at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Irving, for their Thursday Night Meal service. Click the button below to register.

Compassionate Crafters meets the first and third Thursdays of the month from 1-3 p.m. to create handcrafted items for charitable purposes. We have made sensory blankets for dementia patients, baby hats, knitted breast prosthetics, quilts, prayer squares and other items that can be used in outreach. We have sewers, knitters, crocheters and more. If you have a talent you’d like to share or you’d like to join the group, you are welcome. If you see a need for these services in our community, we’d love to hear from you. For more information, contact Jane Ellington by email.