Learning and Growing Together
Our goal at HCC is to make Sunday School the place everyone wants to be for an hour each Sunday morning. For adults, we offer a variety of courses that appeal to both new and longtime participants. Visit a class or two each session, then make a commitment to attend for the remaining weeks. It is our hope that we will all increase in knowledge, mature in faith and grow in fellowship.

Age 4-1st grade | Room 149 | 10:45-11:45am
2nd-5th grade | Room 148 | 10:45-11:45am

During the Sunday school hour, each class takes a Christ-centered, chronological look at the big story of the Bible – God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Youth Room | 10:45-11:45am

All 6th-12th grade students and friends are invited to this time of community, fellowship, and learning after worship. Students are currently walking through The New City Catechism, discussing the questions and answers that help summarize our theology and put it into our own words; led by our Youth & Young Adult Ministry Director Christian Brandon.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (Sundays at 10:50 am)

Join us in Patterson Hall after worship as Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley teaches the Adult Advent Class: The Christmas Story and Isaiah 53. A man in the New Testament was reading Isaiah 53, trying to grasp it, but it remained a mystery. How could something filled with suffering be such good news? But then Philip came along and explained it to him and it transformed his life. This Advent we will interpret Jesus’ birth according to God’s program as prophesied by Isaiah. Who knows, Isaiah may change our lives, too!