If you play an instrument or sing, the worship team is the place for you! Proficiency is necessary but perfection is not required. Our role is to support the congregation in lifting their hearts and voices to the Lord, not to be a rock band. If you are interested in serving or have more questions that you would like answered, email Jaycie Skidmore. Come make a joyful noise with us!

HCC is looking for more ushers and greeters to serve on Sunday mornings! To find out more, please email Lynn Dorn.

The Audio/Video & Livestream Team are looking for interested volunteers to join our Team. If you have an interest in the visual arts, video production, live streaming, audio work or just computers in general we are in need of your skills. We are responsible for the projection of video and audio in the sanctuary during services. As of the Covid-19 shut down, we now also responsible for the Live Streaming of our services to the HCC Facebook page and website. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Larry Nicks.

The mission board would welcome your participation. As a church body we have determined that one of our primary objectives is to make disciples. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to support our missionaries locally, nationally, and around the world. If you have a heart for missions please consider joining us on the board. Contact Greg Vlahos.

Our Youth Ministry is always in need of people to serve. Adults serving shows the students that they are part of the larger church instead of just the Youth Ministry. Adults serving also strengthens generational discipleship and unifies the church. Please consider serving in one of our areas of needs! Please visit our Serve page for more info.